Every Corner, Every County 1
Hilton Head visit -- attended an event at the Hilton Head Public Library, where a gathering of six SC poets published by Finishing Line...

Knock on a Hundred Doors
Hello, 2019 and all my friends out there who have knocked on my door today. I greet you from a cozy cabin at Lake Burton, Georgia, on the...

"I had a poem about my uterus..."
My poem called "My Uterus Didn't Wander" is in this anthology edited by K.A. Laity and H. Byron Ballard, and I thought I'd explain why I...

You Must be One of the Wonders
My daughter gave me The Secret History of Wonder Woman, by Jill Lepore, for Christmas. I've been wanting to read it. I'm barely into...

The Sweet Smell of Christmas
This is my pre-Christmas post. I sit by the fire and grade papers, putting in final grades as I go. Some of these grades will be received...

Are You Following Me?
I haven't been here in a while --- to the blog, I mean. I've been engaged in many other creative activities with some work thrown in...

That sun --- that bright, familiar southern sun --- welcomes me home this morning. I need to get outside and enjoy it while I catch up...

Evening Birds
They were the last sounds I heard before I came inside from an outdoor yoga session: a familiar whippoorwill, and a bird I couldn't...

True South
On April 11, I'll be reading poetry aloud at O'Bheal in Cork, southernmost end of Ireland. You can read about O'Bheal here:...

Falling off the Map of the World
Back to reality. Sometimes our dreams and desires in this life carry us away. Those bright hot air balloons over New Mexico sometimes...