This lovely journal is produced in Columbia, SC, by Jasper Magazine and its partners. My poem "We May Yet Jump Fences" is included in Vol. 3.
Two of my poems placed in this contest based in Ireland in 2016, 2017, and 2018-- this page takes you to a mention of my poems. You can listen to me reading the poems from 2016 here also, in the Guest Readings section on the right. I was able to attend the 2016 celebration, but not the 2017 or 2018 event.
This global community anthology benefits the families of shooting victims in Orlando, Florida. I'm pleased to be part of such a wonderful project. The book is up for a Reader's Choice Award and has received the most votes up to this point.
I've been lucky to have two publications in this delightful progressive southern magazine devoted to the interests of women. "Head Graffiti" is part of a series I'm doing on undiscovered southern artists. You can also see a book review of Allison Bass's Getting Screwed by me here by searching for "American Sex Worker." I was pleased to see that Ms. Bass featured my review on her website.
My poem "You See the Cottage" is in the beautiful "Hestia" edition of this magazine.
The first poem in my series Earth Gospel, "Litany", appears in this lovely online journal.
I have a text and audio flash fiction story in Subprimal called "The Concertina."
This is one of the most beautiful journals I've had work in. It features my poem "If You Are Going to Mix Metaphors"
FFM has my story "Prodigal in B-Flat" --- based on a true personal experience.
This found poetry journal actually features a mixed media project of mine (with David Lemieux): "Free Bird"
One of the publications most meaningful to me is this article about Maurice Manning's poetry, "A Mercy Branches Out" --- in an Australian journal!
I am writing reviews of literary journals/magazines here. Currently, I have two reviews up: 2 Bridges Review and The Antioch Review.
This wonderful, quirky journal has published my equally quirky dark spiritual story of a church that has gone to the dogs.
I have two poems in this collection edited by Catherine Broughton.: "You Are Going to Live Forever" and "Private Selection." All proceeds go to cancer charities.
The publication from the MFA of the Americas is special to me because the primary character is real -- I mean, he is based on somebody real, and he seems real to me, and I like him. :>)
I'm grateful to Animal Lit Mag for publishing one of my Earth Gospel poems, "Coyote, Trickster."
This is a writer's forum, and I have a post here related to truth and dreams.
This isn't a publication of mine. I was just lucky enough to contribute an audio comment on this wonderful BBC project. You can hear my comment and others and also see/hear about the 100 women featured here.
How lucky am I to have been chosen as the Runner-Up in Gateway's first flash fiction contest? This is a wonderful publication with many fine pieces, and my story is "A Game of Cups."
My poem "Love Song of the Stingray" found a home in the first edition of this journal operated by the MFA program at Mount St. Mary's University in Los Angeles.
One of the most exciting features about this publication is that an artist illustrated my story, "Coral" -- I did not expect this, nor did I imagine how beautiful it might be. I also wrote a blog post about creative activism (thanks to Brett, who invited me to contribute).
This a special publication subtitled "A Journal of Art & Healing" includes my poem "When Van Gogh Died," in honor and memory of the Ghost Ship artists.
This is Wicked Banshee Press's celebration of the female inner sanctum, the place of origin and of joy. It's the Vagina Edition, and I'm proud to have my poem "Cave of Wonders" included.
​You'll find my flash fiction piece "Til Human Voices Wake Us" at this excellent online journal.
This lovely journal has published my flash fiction story "Delta" -- which is the first piece of flash fiction I ever wrote.
Crosswinds has published one of my personal favorites among my poems, "Where the Most Light Falls" --- it's about a whale's eye view. :>)
My poem "Underwater Politics" is included in this journal's debut, and listed on the cover. I think that's a first. Really nice.
Raymond Souland, editor of this long-running journal, has impressed me as one of the most generous editors I've encountered. That he chose to publish two of my poems in this edition is an honor.
This is the latest edition (June 2017) -- and Raymond has included several of my poems including one of his favorites, "How to Draw the Earth." I'm also touched by the generous comments offered by poet Ace Boggess.
Cenacle 101
This issue has some poems of mine and excerpts from my creative non-fiction book, Same Moon Shining.
It tickles my fancy that my poem "A Fancy" is included in the inaugural edition of this journal --- and I'm sharing the poetry space with the amazing Ace Boggess.
In an interview with artist Brett J. Barr related to his association with a journal called Ghost Parachute, my story "Coral" is featured. Barr did the extraordinary drawing that accompanied the story when it was published in GP.
The Blue Nib is a wonderful publication with nurturing editors. They've given space to three of my poems, two of which were written at Rivendell Writers Colony.
This special journal is devoted to people who are living with an "invisible" illness that is often misunderstood. The poem published here is one that I wrote years ago related to my fear of getting Multiple Sclerosis, which caused my mother such terrible suffering and eventually took her life.
This wonderful publication featured some of my work in its community publication, June 28, 2017: the flash fiction piece called "Coral," which was published in Ghost Parachute, and the poem "Coyote, Trickster," which was published in Animal.
Upcoming Publications and Projects
This unique journal with supplemental links embedded in the featured works has published my poem "A Roaring Lion," from my developing Earth Gospel collection.
The Feminine Collective published my poems "Apocryphya" and "Tinge" --- I'm excited to be part of this league of women writers.
This fine journal published my poem "Kitty Hawk, 1903" in its 40th anniversary edition. I'm thrilled because this journal has published work by people like Sandra Cisneros and Naomi Shihab Nye.
I have a poem called "The Witness Against Me" in this anthology.
I have a poem in the currentWolf Warriors anthology. It's one of the Earth Gospel poems, "Ecology of Fear: Wolf's Story"
Elm Leaves Journal at SUNY Buffalo has published "Map of Kerouac's Subterraneans" -- (available for pre-order now). This journal has been around since 1948, and the current editor is a Pushcart Prize recipient. ​
The Earth Gospel poem "Tomcat's Sermon" was published here in January, 2018.
"Transformation: A Foxtale" was also published by this journal, in February, 2018.
My Earth Gospel poem "The Whale Evangelist" was published in the last issue of Thistle Magazine
My poems "Sower with Setting Sun" and "I Free Everyone" are published in this wonderful journal nominated for an award.
My poem "My Uterus Didn't Wander" is included in this quirky book of stories and poems about traveling while female. This is one of my favorite projects. At the link, you'll find my blog post about the book.
I'm about to do my second article in the series on undiscovered southern artists --- hint: it's with Martha Fowler
Oh, and I'm working on my dissertation at Walden University online.
For a while, I had a series of poems called Fabric posted at Channillo.com, but I decided the collection needed more work and removed it from there.