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I'm excited about this section ... a chance to highlight other people's talent!  Here you will find my reviews of other blogs, essays, poems, artwork, music, etc.  If you'd like for me to review your work, send me a link to look at.
My first feature blog is by Donna Mortensen: www.momentaryswitch.netDonna is a member of the same creativity group that drives and sustains my creative efforts (I'll post about that separately).  Her blog is to some extent minimalist --- she doesn't go for flashy --- what she offers is pure, straightforward artistic perspective in smooth, articulate writing.  She has an eye for beauty in landscape and design, as you can see from the post "Driving Backward in the Rain," with its exquisite bare bones photo essay.
See also by Donna: "Taking Time and Tea" -- a reflection on the importance of having occasional extended visits from a group of friends.  She describes the flexible activities that might occur on those days and the delight she experiences when a friend lingers.  Put on a pot of tea and read this.
Donna's blog is going to continue to meander through 2016 and provide what she has defined as a "momentary switch" in her introductory post by that title --- temporarily turning time off, or at least turning down its sharp and insistent demands.  For anyone who craves suspension from overbooked schedules and insufficient meaningful encounters with people who matter, this blog can be a new compass.  Sign up for regular updates at her website with your e-mail, and treat yourself.
“Humankind's fascination with quantifying time is ancient. Sundials. Calendars. Then there's the shifting that's required based on other human discoveries and inventions. Latitude. Religion."

Donna Mortensen, "Momentary Switch," 12/29/15

Joshua Becker's list of  "15 Reasons I Think You Should Blog" ( includes this one reason that stands out to me when I think of why Donna's blog is important... and why maybe my own is, and the one that you haven't started writing yet:  "You'll become more comfortable being known."  It's such a simple idea --- opening up to the world instead of closing off out of fear, insecurity, or sadness.  I've found that opening up is freeing. Start with one frame you've been living inside, and describe the scene from your perspective. Blessings...

This page is an ongoing narrative... check in next week.

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